hair, try to keep your layers at least shoulder-length. If layers are too long, the weight will drag down hair causing it to become straight.
The second type of mixed-texture hair is curly on top and straight underneath. In this case, even if you grow your hair long, it's still going to curl. It's also difficult to wear it short since you would have to cut the hair very close on top to eliminate the curl. The best option is to keep your hair long and have a " spot " body wave or light perm on the straight sections so that the hair textures match. A spot perm only perms certain sections of hair.

We often hear about people dealing with combination skin. However, their are many women struggling with "combination hair." Mixed hair texture is a product of one or both of the following: hormones or genetics.
Types of Mixed Texture
The first is straight on top and curly underneath. If this sounds like your hair, your best bet is to keep your hair short enough to eliminate all of the curl. If you prefer long
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