Thick yellow nails: Thick yellow nails can be the cause of long term use of the antibiotic tetracycline, which is an antibiotic. Another reason for thick yellow nails in this condition can mean a reflection of diseases of the lungs, thyroid gland, or lymphatic system. The yellow discoloration of the nail could also be caused by smoking.
Blue nails: If your fingernails are blue all the time, it can mean you have problems with your circulation, usually caused by heart disease. See a Doctor.
Fungal Infections: Fungal infections make up approximately 80 percent of all nail disorders and can be difficult to treat. More common in toenails than fingernails, Fungus infections often cause the end of the nail to separate from the nail bed. Additionally, debris (white, green, yellow, or black) may build up under the nail plate and discolor the nail bed. The top of the nail or the skin at the base of the nail can also be affected. Toenails are more susceptible to fungal infections because they are confined in a warm, moist, weight-bearing environment. Candia or yeast infections are common in fingernails especially if the hands are always in water or if the patient is diabetic. See our Natural Cures for Fungus Infections
White striped horizontal lines on the nails: These can be caused by kidney failure, heart attacks, sickle-cell disease, or Hodgkin's disease.
Curled nails, (clubbing): Clubbing signifies problems with the heart, liver, colon, or lungs. If curled nails is occurring see your doctor immediately for some tests.
Ingrown Nail: Painful ingrown nails may be congenital, caused by an overcurvature of the nail, or an imbalance between the width of the nail plate and the nail bed. Poor maintenance, like cutting the nail too short, rounded off at the tip or peeled off at the edges is likely to cause ingrowth. Symptoms: Redness, swelling and infection make the toe very painful. Treatments range from soaking the afflicted area to surgery. Only a portion of the nail may be removed during surgery. If the entire nail is affected or there is a severe nail deformity, the nail plate and matrix (the cells that grow the nail) may be completely removed. For at home treatment, keep the area covered with a Band-Aid, soak and trim.
White spots: White spots on nails are often common and mean nothing at all. But if you're a heavy drinker, or have had some liver problems, white spots can indicate cirrhosis of the liver.
Bacterial Infections: Redness, swelling, and pain of the nail skin folds often indicate a nail bacterial infection. The most common cause for a bacterial infection is trauma to the nail or surrounding skin and cuticle, or frequent exposure to water and chemicals.
Condition Nail Appearance
Liver Diseases 
White Nails
Kidney Diseases Half of nail is pink, half is white
Heart Conditions 
Nail bed is red
Diabetes Yellowish nails, with a slight blush 

Lung Diseases 
Yellowing and thickening of the
Pale nail beds
Nail Disorders & Diseases
HOME > NAILS HOME >> Nail Disorders, yellow nails, bumps, ridges, white spots on nails
Nails (and hair) are made of a hard protein that is called keratin. This protein is the building blocks that make up the body. The health of your nails shows everything from how well you eat, to how much water you intake, right down to any diseases you might have. Nails are our best warning sign when we are not taking care of ourselves. Below are a few signs and symptoms for certain diseases:
Horizontal grooves: these are furrows within the fingernails and can indicate malnutrition or a build up of toxic substances, or a number of different problems with the health. These can be rather common.
Spooning: Spooning on nails looks like large indentations vertically across the nail, this may suggest a low iron count (anemia). If you have these 'bumps' you are likely to be low on iron. A simple blood test from your doctor will confirm this diagnosis.
Pitting: This can be an indicator of eczema or psoriasis. These are conditions you will have other symptoms with. See your doctor for treatments for these conditions.
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