Methods of Hair Removal:
I think we all know what these do.
Great for removing individual pieces of hair, tweezers lift strands out from the root. Great for use around the eyebrows and tiny stray facial hairs. Can be painful and time-consuming for large areas of hair.
*Tip- Apply toner or astringent on tweezed area to avoid in-grown hairs.
*Tip- But hair in the direction of growth for a less painful experience.
Your hair is coated with hot or cold and is applied in the direction of the hair growth. Warm and cold wax is applied thinly and hot wax should be applied thick. Hair is removed by applying wax, then covered with epilating strips, then removing the strips quickly and in the opposite direction of the hair growth. The upside includes stubble-free skin for about two weeks. The downside includes moderate to expensive price, pain, and complications, including ingrown hairs. Wax can be used anywhere but is most painful near the bikini area. OHH!
These are creams that dissolve the hair on the surface. The upsides are you're stubble-free for a little longer than shaving, low cost to you, and it's not hard to do. The downside is ineffectiveness with coarser hairs, such as those found on the bikini line, bad smelling lotions. Can be used anywhere but with extreme caution near the eye area.
In this process, an electrified needle is inserted into the hair's root, electrifying the root. The upside includes its effectiveness (after several treatments), and the (often, but not always) permanency of the results. The downside includes high price, excruciating pain, and complications, including pimply bumps and can only be performed by an electrologist.

Hair Removal... What's best for you? Shaving, tweezing, waxing, depilatories & electrolysis
Hair Removal Tips You Can Use By: Juliet Cohen
Hair removal is a method of removing hair, especially from the human body. There are many options available to remove unwanted hair, but few options to get rid of hair permanently.
Shaving is the most temporary method of hair removal because it merely cuts the hair off at the skin surface. Electrolysis is the most reliable option available today that has been proven to remove transsexual facial hair permanently. Laser hair removal can be an acceptable or even preferable alternative in some cases, but laser is usually not enough by itself to remove all transsexual facial hair permanently. Plucking hair with tweezers is an effective way to remove hair but can be very time consuming. Waxing- sticky wax is spread on the area of skin where the unwanted hair is growing. Waxing leaves the area smooth and is long lasting. Depilatories- A depilatory is a cream or liquid that removes hair from the skin's surface.
The different methods of hair removal from the old stand-by, shaving, to the new treatments, lasers and Vaniqa. Electrolysis is the most reliable option available today that has been proven to remove transsexual facial hair permanently. Laser hair removal can be an acceptable or even preferable alternative in some cases, but laser is usually not enough by itself to remove all transsexual facial hair permanently. Androgen-driven hair, especially facial hair, is an almost universal problem for transsexual women. It is one of the most difficult problems to solve, and getting rid of it will often be essential for assimilation.
1. Do not use depilatories to avoid the risk of chemical burns on the sensitive skin in this area.
2. Carefully rubbed in small circular motions as per directions. Remember that hair roots are still alive and will grow again unless removed by electrolysis.
3. Waxing or sugaring is generally best for hair removal.
4. Shaving is also the most temporary hair removal method.
5. Regular use of wax products causes the new hair growth to be finer and softer.
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