Over Shampooing: Go into a salon and ask the Hair Stylists how many times a week they each shampoo their hair. Most will say every 2-3 days. Please, please stop shampooing hair every day! It is extremely bad for the health of your hair and your hair color! There is no need at all to shampoo every day. If you must wet your hair to style or just because it makes you feel cleaner, skip the shampoo and just condition. If you can get to where you can wash every second or third day, you will notice an immediate difference in the fading of your color. You can check out our Oily hair section if your scalp tends to get greasy and what you can do to not have to shampoo every day. You can also use a dry shampoo for in between wet shampoos like Rene Furterer Naturia Dry Shampoo: Cleanse hair without water! This innovative dry shampoo restores volume and lightness to hair, making styling easy.
All hair color fades. Unless you were blessed with beautiful locks and never had to chemically color your hair. But if you're like the 80% of American women who have colored their hair you've probably encountered fading some time or another. There are many reasons why hair color fades: environment, water, the sun, using improper shampoos, and thermal styling just to name a few. Hair color will always fade to some degree or another.
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So why does chemically colored hair fade? Before going into the reasons behind color fading and their solutions, let's look at the make up of a hair strand. Think of a hair strand as a tube. Now take hair color and think of each color molecule as a marble. When you chemically alter your hair color, you are filling that tube with color molecules or marbles. As you wash, thermal style or sit under those nasty fluorescent lights at work, the marbles are being shed or faded.
Now think of each strand of hair as a Christmas tree. Yep a tree. When your hair is healthy, the cuticle layers lay down like a rolled up Christmas tree. When hair is unhealthy, each strand looks like an open tree, with the branches sticking out. When these branches are sticking out, the color molecules are easily washed away.
So the gist of it all is healthy hair will maintain color longer as unhealthy hair will fade much, much faster. But still remember all hair color will fade to some degree. How you treat your hair will determine the extent of hair color fading. So, how can you stop your hair from fading? Here's a few solutions......
Shampoo: the absolute, number one reason hair color fades is bad shampoo!!! We need to stop listening to commercials that sell us on models with beautiful, long, shiny locks, most of which have hair extensions and lighting to make hair look that good, and start reading the bottles! Sulfate free shampoos are the newest thing to hit the commercial market. But Stylists have been recommending them for a few years. Why? Because they are better for your hair. Sulfate free shampoo contain no sulfates or at least the bad kind of sulfates. You can read a little about these in our maintaining hair color section . We recommend the following sulfate free shampoo to maintain hair color: Pureology Antifade Complex Hydrate Shampoo
Thermal Styling: Styling with heat is another color fading culprit. And those Flat irons we all love are doing a number not only on the health of hair but on hair color. I'm an iron lover and use it every day so I won't ask you to put down the irons. Just use a heat protectant spray, serum or a leave in conditioner. One of our top favs is it's a 10 miracle leave-in plus keratin. Fantabulous!!! This miracle serum doesn't weigh the hair down and does 10 things at once while protecting your hair from heat. Just read the reviews!
Fluorescent Lighting: Yes, those lights you sit under all day at work will fade hair color. Use a hair color protectant spray, like the ones made for the sun. Anything with UV protection will work.
Water: The chemicals in your water will fade hair color. Add a water filter to your shower head. They are cost effective and can be easily changed and cleaned. You'll also notice a big difference with lather and how soft your skin will feel!
Red Hair: Why does Red hair fade faster than any other hair color? It all comes down to the size of the hair color molecule. Back to the cylinder analogy. Red molecules are bigger then any other hair color molecule. You're trying to stuff the tube or strand with softballs as opposed to marbles. The best thing you can do to keep red hair color from fading is all of the above. And add a shampoo with a color enhancer to maintain some of the red molecules.